The Golden Age of hip-hop is regarded as the best era in hip-hop. “The Killing of the 5th Element,” examines the lost element of “consciousness” / knowledge in music. The Killing of the 5th Element covers diverse opinions from artist who answer the question, is music just entertainment or a movement that can spark change.

Elementary Genocide
The School To Prison Pipeline" exposes the socially engineered mechanism created by our government and utilizing the public school system to label elementary aged African American males as work for hire targets within the US penal system. Many refuse to believe there is a corporate attack on the minds and productivity of Black youth through intercepting their educational, economical and social development and resulting in statistically funneling them through the revolving doors of the criminal justice system. Elementary Genocide confirms this theory and seeks to educate parents, teachers, and families so that we can reclaim our young men and ensure the future of our community.

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